Downtown Mural Fundraiser
The Dyer County Adult Leadership Class of 2018-2019 is planning a mural to be painted on the north wall of the Tencom / Mill Workspace building located at 217 South Mill Avenue in Dyersburg, Tennessee.
South Mill is a vibrant area of downtown that has been and is currently experiencing much revitalization. This area will also serve as a gateway between the Historic Downtown Square and the new Downtown River Park upon its completion.

Downtown Christmas Lights Project
Be a light. Sponsor a Christmas light on the Historic Downtown Dyersburg Courthouse Square
The Downtown Dyersburg community has come together to seek community support for bringing Christmas lights to the Historic Downtown Court Square. We have such a beautiful courthouse square and so many citizens of Dyersburg long to see it lit up again like days of old. We believe that community projects like this work better when we all work together for the good of the community.