Downtown Mural Fundraiser
The Dyer County Adult Leadership Class of 2018-2019 is planning a mural to be painted on the north wall of the Tencom / Mill Workspace building located at 217 South Mill Avenue in Dyersburg, Tennessee.
South Mill is a vibrant area of downtown that has been and is currently experiencing much revitalization. This area will also serve as a gateway between the Historic Downtown Square and the new Downtown River Park upon its completion.
We believe this project will be transformational for Downtown Dyersburg: creating a memorable feature in Downtown for photo-ops; attracting visitors to Downtown; and spurring future Downtown business, beautification and improvement projects. This mural will serve as a catalyst toward revitalizing Downtown Dyersburg and will be enjoyed for decades to come.
Would you consider supporting the Mural Project? Donations of any amount would certainly be appreciated, and Leadership Level Gifts will be recognized by a plaque next to the mural. Donations should be made to the Foundation of the Dyersburg / Dyer County Chamber of Commerce and may be tax deductible.You may download the support form at the link below. There are instructions in the PDF and how to support this project.
Your gift will serve as a catalyst toward revitalizing Downtown Dyersburg, creating art that celebrates our community and will be enjoyed for decades to come. We thank you for your consideration, and any questions about donations can be directed to Amy Cresswell, Mural Project Manager
The 2018-2019 Dyer County Adult Leadership Class